Minggu, 24 Januari 2021

Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Materi Event Advertisement Kelas X Semester Genap Halaman 17 18 19

Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Materi Event Advertisement Kelas X Semester Genap Halaman 17 18 19

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Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Materi Event Advertisement Kelas X Semester Genap Halaman 17 18 19
Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Materi Event Advertisement Kelas X Semester Genap Halaman 17 18 19

EXERCISE Event Advertisement

I. Do the tasks below carefully!
Task 1 Event Advertisement
Read the advertisement below in front of the class confidently!

This week only
Baby girl's and baby boy's clothing: dress, T-Shirt, skirt, and trousers.
jewelleries and toy: rings, earrings, necklace, and all toys.
===== Student's Activity =====

Task 2 Event Advertisement
Answer the questions based on the text of Task 1 verbally!
1. What is the advertisement about?
Answer: It is about annual sale in a baby shop.
2. How much discount does the advertisement offer for baby's clothing?
Answer: It is 25%.
3. What jewelleries are offered in the shop?
Answer; Rings, earrings, and necklaces
4. Whom is the advertisement addresed to?
Answer: It is to all mothers who have babies.
5. What should we add to make the advertisement more attractive?
Example: We should add the address and the contact numbers of the shop and also the completed information to order the products via online. (Student's answer may vary).

II. Make an advertisement of an art event in your school creatively in the box below.  Give complete information to make your advertisement interesting and eye catching to be read!
===== Student's Activity =====

ACTIVITY Event Advertisement

Activity 1 Event Advertisement
Task 1
Listen to the dialogue and complete the blanks in it carefully
Hardi : Hi, Kinanti. Have you read the event advertisement on the wallpaper magazine?
Kinanti : No, I haven't. What's it about?
Hardi : It's about the competition of unique candle making. 
Kinanti : Really?
Hardi : You should join the competition. I know you have ever joined a candle making class recently.
Kinanti : Yes! What must I'do if I want to join the competition?
Hardi : You should meet Mr. Anton and bring your student card. He will help you and other students to register and fill the form for the competition.
Kinanti : Great! Thanks for the information. By the way, when will the registration be ended?
Hardi : The last day of the registration is on Wednesday.
Kinanti : Okay. Today is Monday. I will register soon.
Hardi : Great! Good luck for you girl. Kinanti : Thank you so much,
Hardi. I hope I can do my best for the competition. Pray for me, please.
Hardi : Of course! l'll come to the competition to support you.
Kinanti : That's very kind of you. I'll practice making some unique candles tonight.
Hardi : Good! Let's register yourself to Mr. Anton!
Kinanti : Okay. Let's go!

1. Advertisement
2. Competition
3. Register
4. Support
5. Practice

Task 2
Listen to the dialogue of Task 1 again and answer the questions based on it carefully!
1. What event advertisement is talked in the dialogue?
Answer: It is the competition of unique candle making event.
2. What must the girl do if she wants to register to the competition?
Answer: She must meet Mr. Anton and bring her student card.
3. Why does the girl want to join the competition?
Answer: Because she can make a candle and she has ever joined a candle making class.
4. What is setting of place of the dialogue?
Answer: It is at school.
5. What will the girl do tonight?
Answer: She will practice to make some unique candles.

Activity 2 Event Advertisement
Task 1
Study the text then retell the information on it verbally in front of the class confidently!
Right From Meeting Staff at the open Day at Clifton High School..........
===== Student's Activity =====

Task 2
Answer the questions based on the text of Task 1 verbally!
1. What is advertised in the text?
Answer: It is an event advertisement.
2. Who is holding the event?
Answer: It is Clifton High School,
3. What does the school offer to the children based on the information of the text?
Answer: It offers development in confidence and becoming motivated and inspired in their learning.
4. What is the purpose of the text?
Answer: To advertise an event to people. 5. What kind of event do you think will be held? to parents who want to register their son and daughter in a good quality high school. (Student's answer may vary) Answer:
Example: It is an event of school's admission/open day which is addressed

Activity 3 Event Advertisement
Task 1
Read the text and answer the questions based on the advertisement carefully!

The Annual School Talent Show
Now's the time to show everyone what you're made off
Got a hidden talent? Now is your time to shinel Come to open auditions! It's open to all Super Star High School students

1. What is the function of the text?
Answer: It is to advertise an event to people.
2. Who holds the event? Answer: It is.held by Super Star High School.
3. Where will the event be held?
Answer: It will be held at Super Star High School hall.
4. Can students come to the event on Sunday at 4 p.m.?
Answer: No, they can't.
5. Do you think the event is interesting? Why?
Answer: Example: Yes, it is. Because it has great purpose and interesting way to be creative. (Student's answer).

Task 2
Announce the advertisement below in front of the class confidently.


===== Student's Activity =====

Activity 4 Event Advertisement
Task 1
Write a dialogue containing the information of the advertisement below on a piece of paper creatively.

Magenta Company Football Tournament 2021
===== Student's Activity =====

Task 2
Answer the questions based on the text of Task 1 carefully!
1. What is the purpose of the text?
Answer: It is to advertise an event.
2. What is the event told in the text?
Answer: It is a football tournament.
3. How can we join the event?
Answer: By contacting the provided phone numbers.
4. Who hold the event?
Answer: Magenta Company
5. How much admission must be paid to join the event?
Answer: There is no information about it.

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