Rabu, 20 Januari 2021

Pembahasan LKS Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Kelas X Semester Genap Halaman

Pembahasan LKS Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Kelas X Semester Genap Halaman 9.

Silahkan baca dan pahami pembahasan soal bahasa dan sastra Inggris Kelas X Semester Genap Bab 1 Halaman 9.


Activity 1 

Task 1 

Listen to the text and complete the blanks in it carefully! 

Listening script 

Hi, I'm a new student at Lembayung Ilmu Senior High School. My name is Aruna Jelita. There are many students in my school who call me Una. They say that my name is unique and easy enough to be memorized. Today I prepare my first English speech. I feel too nervous to speak in front of many people. Actually, it isn't good thing to show when we are in front of others. So, try to hàndle my nervousness by practicing my speech more. I hope I can be confident enough to do my first English speech in front of my teacher and my classmates tomorrow morning.

Task 2 

Listen to the text of Task 1 again and answer the questions carefully!

1. Who is the writer in the text? 

Answer: She is Aruna Jelita 

2. Where does she go to study? 

Answer: She goes to Lembayung llmu Senior High School. 

3. What do the students at school think about the girl's name? 

Answer: It is unique and easy enough to be memorized.

 4. Why does she feel too nervous? Answer: Because it is her first English speech. 

5. What does she hope to herself? Answer: She hopes she can be confident enough to do her first English speech.

Activity 2 

Task 1 

Practice the dialogue below in pairs with one of your classmates in front of the class confidently! 

Aldo : Hey, Dion! Oh, why do you look so down? 

Dion : l'm so sad right now. 

Aldo : What's wrong with you? Tell me if you need someone to listen to you. 

Dion : I'm so upset and annoyed now. Aldo : With me? 

Dion: No. With myself. 

Aldo : How come, buddy? 

Dion : It's because of the mathematics test we had before the break time. 

Aldo : Be calm, okay? 

Dion : You know... I just did two of ten questions. 

Aldo : Are you serious? Dion :I told you the truth. I'm not sure of the two numbers I did are correct. 

Aldo : Well, 1 admit that the test was difficult enough to do. 

Dion : It was too difficult. We did not have enough time also to finish ten questions. 

Aldo : An hour is enough actually. 

Dion :I know the result is too bad for me. 

Aldo : Don't think about it too much, okay? I will help you to study next time so you can do the next test well. 

Dion : Thank you. 

Aldo : Not at all. Let's go to the canteen now! 

Dion : Okay!

Task 2 

Answer the questions based on the dialogue of Task 1 verbally! 

1. What are they talking about in the dialogue?

Answer: They are talking about the mathematic test. 

2. What happened to Dion? 

Answer: Dion couldn't do his mathematic test. 

3. Mention Aldo's suggestion to Dion in the dialogue! 

Answer: "Don't think about it too much, okay?" 

4. What does Dion think about his mathematic test result? 

Answer: He thinks the result is too bad for him. 

5. What will Dion do to Aldo in the end of the dialogue? 

Answer: He promises to help Aldo to study next time so he can do the next test well.

Demikian Pembahasan LKS Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Kelas X Semester Genap Halaman 9.

Silahkan Simak Pembahasan Soal Lainnya di artikel selanjutnya. 

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