Senin, 18 Januari 2021

Printed Publication : Brochure, Pamphlet, Banner, and Leaflet

Printed Publication : Brochure, Pamphlet, Banner, and Leaflet. 

Good morning, students. This is our second chapter. Are you ready to learn this chapter? Good! In this chapter, you will learn about brochure, leaflet, banner, and pamphlet. Do you know what they are? Yes! They can be used in advertisements, inform an event, present notice to people, and many other things. Brochure, leaflet, banner, and pamphlet are printed publications. They have different forms that distinct themselves from one another. It is usually placed in strategic places such as along the road, in front of a building, or inside of the elevator. There are some interesting things to learn today. So prepare yourself well! 

printed publication
printed publication

Now, before starting this chapter, it is better for you to prepare your book and writing equipment first. Great! You have prepared all of them. It means that you are ready to study. However, we should pray to God first for His blessings so that we can study English well today. Now let's start!

Printed Publication : Brochure, Pamphlet, Banner, and Leaflet

1. Brochure 

Brochure is a publication consisting of one folded page, or several pages stitched together but not bound, used mainly for advertising purposes. Brochure originated in the early 1748. It is derived from a French word 'brocher which means to sew, from Middle French. It means to prick; from Old French 'brochier. They may advertise new products, locations, shops, events, hotels, etc. It should be very attractive so that people at least have a glance over it. Nowadays, there are varieties of patterns and designs in brochures. They can be magazine style brochures, 3-folded brochures or postcard brochures. 

2. Pamphlet 

Pamphlet is a sort of booklet which is not bound. It may only consists of a single sheet printed on both surfaces, The uses of pamphlets usually are for marketing various products and also for the dissemination of social or political information. Pamphlet was first introduced in 1387 as pamphilet or panffet. 

3. Banner 

Banner usually contains messages and information and is now widely used for advertising some events, products, or service. It is usually made on plastic background, butnowadays banner is also popularly used on web pages. 

4. Leaflet 

Leaflet is like pamphlet, but printed in smaller size. Its font size is small, so that the brief information can be written in the appropriate form. The reason of their small size is that they can be easily handed over to anybody. Though its sizes are small, its main focus is to grab the reader's attention. Leaflets should be the way that persuades readers to buy a product, or take action. 

Well, That's our lesson for today. 

If you you have something to ask, leave your question in comment.

don't forget to write down your full name and your class. 

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Event Advertisement, A lesson for students in Senior High School

Event Advertisement, A lesson for students in Senior High School. 

Hello, students. How are you today? I hope you are fine. Before starting our lesson today, let's pray to God first so that we can learn this chapter well.

Students, do you still have any difficulty about the previous chapter? Don't be shy if you still have difficulty because there is your teacher who is ready to explain it to you. 

event advertisement

Students, do you know about advertisement? What are the social functions of it? 

Great! Advertisement is a notice or display advertising something. It is a text which announces something to attract people and the product, service or event advertised becomes more popular for people or consumers. 

There are some social functions of advertisements, such as to persuade people to buy/use/attend the product or service or event advertised, to advertise a product or service or an event to people, to resuscitate communication and to give information of a product/service/an event, and etc. 

Students, do you know why I ask you about the previous questions? You are right! You are going to learn  about the advertisements of event. 

Now, you are better to prepare your book and your writing equipment first. Please keep our class conducive. Okay! You have prepared all of them well. Now, let's start!


Advertisement is a notice or display advertising something. It is a text which announces something to attract people and the product, service or event advertised becomes more popular for people or consumers. There are some social functions of advertisements. They are as the following.

  1.  To persuade people to buy/use/attend the product or service or event advertised. 
  2. To advertise a product or service or an event to people. 
  3. To resuscitate communication and to give information of a product/service/an event. 
  4. To convince people to buy/use/attend the product, service, or event. 

Kinds of Advertisement

There are several kinds of advertisement.

 1. Printing Advertisement 

It's an advertisement which is published in newspaper, magazine, tabloid, or other printing mass media.

 2. Advertorial

 It's an advertisement in the style of an editorial or objective journalistic article. 

3. Display Advertisement

 Advertisement with big picture and text. 

4. Electronic Advertisement 

It is advertised in any electronic mass media. 

Generic Structure of Advertisement Text

The following is the generic structure of advertisement text. 

1. Title 

It is part of the advertisement text that has a major component or main topic. 

2. Explanation 

It contains explanation of the advertisement and it usually uses interesting and persuading words to attract people.

Well, That's our lesson for today. 

If you you have something to ask, leave your question in comment.

don't forget to write down your full name and your class. 

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