Minggu, 06 September 2020

Kunci Jawaban Tes Formatif Matematika KB 3 PPG 2020 Terbaru

Kunci Jawaban Tes Formatif Matematika KB 3 PPG 2020 Terbaru

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Kunci Jawaban Tes Formatif Matematika KB 3 PPG 2020 Terbaru
Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Tes Formatif Modul Matematika KB 3 PPG Terbaru

1. Banyak siswa pada suatu kelas adalah 40 siswa. Nilai rerata tes suatu mata pelajaran dari 35 siswa adalah 7,2. Kemudian lima siswa yang lain ikut tes susulan. Jika nilai rerata tes seluruh siswa sekarang menjadi 7,15 maka nilai rerata dari lima siswa yang ikut tes susulan adalah ….
a. 8,7
b. 7,9
c. 6,8 
d. 6,4
e. 5,9 

2. Data nilai seluruh siswa adalah sebagai berikut, siswa mendapat nilai 6 sebanyak 5 siswa, nilai 7 sebanyak 19 siswa, nilai 8 sebanyak 5 siswa, nilai 9 sebanyak 10 siswa dan nilai 10 sebanyak 6 siswa. Median dari kelompok siswa tersebut adalah ....
a. 9
b. 6
c. 7 
d. 8
e. 10 

3. Perhatikan data berikut ini! Nilai rerata hasil ulangan Matematika pada tabel di bawah ini adalah ….
Nilai          𝑓
41 − 50     3
51 − 60     6
61 − 70     12
71 − 80     8
81 − 90     7
91 − 100    4
a. 76
b. 75
c. 73
d. 72
e. 71  

4. Setiap siswa di SD “Patriot Bangsa” diwajibkan memilih salah satu cabang olahraga yang ada di sekolah mereka. Didapat data sebagai berikut:
Jenis Olahraga     Banyak anak
Futsal                        40
Panahan                    30
Basket                      50
Renang                    60
Senam                     20
Diagram lingkaran yang menggambarkan data tersebut adalah ….
Jawaban :
Gambar Diagram 
Senam 10%
Futsal 20%
Panahan 15&Basket 25%
Renang 30% 

5. Perhatikan data berikut ini: No Nama Kelas Nilai Nilai rerata kelas Simpangan baku
1 Adrian 6a 78 79 1,25
2 Beno 6b 77 78 1,5
3 Chika 6c 80 82 0,75
4 Dafa 6d 79 83 2,5
5 Erika 6e 78 80 0,5
Berdasarkan data 5 siswa tersebut, maka urutan dari siswa yang memiliki skor paling baik adalah ….
a. Adrian, Beno, Dafa, Chika, Erika
b. Erika, Chika, Dafa, Adrian, Beno
c. Beno, Adrian, Dafa, Chika, Erika 
d. Chika, Erika, Dafa, Adrian, Beno
e. Dafa, Adrian, Beno, Chika, Erika 

6. Perhatikan tabel berikut ini! Modus dari data pada distribusi frekuensi berikut ini adalah ….
Tinggi (cm) Frekuensi
130 – 134
135 – 139
140 – 144
145– 149
150– 154
155 – 159
160 – 164
a. 149,9 cm
b. 150,5 cm
c. 151,0 cm
d. 151,5 cm
e. 152,0 cm 

7. Pada sebuah kelas terdapat 30 siswa yang terdiri dari 18 siswa dan 12 siswi. Nilai rerata 30 siswa tersebut adalah 83. Jika nilai rerata 18 siswa adalah 85, maka nilai rerata 12 siswi adalah ….
a. 80 
b. 81
c. 82
d. 83
e. 84

8. Pada sebuah tes matematika, diketahui nilai rerata kelas adalah 58. Jika rerata nilai matematika untuk siswa prianya adalah 65 dan untuk siswa perempuannya adalah 54, perbandingan jumlah siswa pria dan perempuan pada kelas itu adalah ....
a. 11 : 7
b. 4 : 7 
c. 4 : 11
d. 11 : 4
e. 7 : 4 

9. Dari angka 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 akan dibuat bilangan dari 3 angka. Banyaknya bilangan 3 angka berbeda lebih besar dari 200 adalah ….
a. 288
b. 336 
c. 384
d. 392
e. 512 

10. Pada suatu tes, siswa diwajibkan mengerjakan 8 soal dari 12 soal yang tersedia. Soal nomor 1 dan 2 wajib dikerjakan oleh siswa. Banyak pilihan soal yang harus dilakukan adalah … cara.
a. 45
b. 132
c. 165
d. 210 
e. 495

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Sabtu, 05 September 2020

Kunci Jawaban PPG Bahasa Inggris Formatif M4 LA4 Profesional - Review

Kunci Jawaban PPG Bahasa Inggris Formatif M4 LA4 Profesional - Review

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Kunci Jawaban PPG Bahasa Inggris Formatif M4 LA4 Profesional - Review

Jawaban Formatif M4 LA4 Profesional - Review

A. Read "Marigold" text again, them answer the questions!

Reviewed by Jack Magnus for Readers' Favorite Marigold is a romantic suspense short story written by A.L. Wright. Lyle's Marine training had held him in good stead throughout his long years of solitude and captivity. He had filled his days with calisthenics; yoga and body-weight training for his body and mind, and his nights were filled with dreams -- of her. She was so real to him in those dreams. Every muscle and sinew her proud figure standing by his side no matter what they encountered. Not even remembering his own name after his seven long years alone, he had never thought of her as having a name either, but he knew, waking or sleeping, that she was there for him. When he finally did hear voices outside his cell, he marveled at the thought that just maybe he would finally be freed and, indeed, his cell door was opened, and a man in combat attire was there speaking to him. He was stunned to hear that Lyle had been imprisoned for so long, but nowhere near as stunned as Lyle was when he saw her. Her name was Colonel Anissa Medina, and she was everything he had come to know and love at night in his dreams, and she had come for him.

A.L. Wright's romantic suspense short story, Marigold, is a provocative and moving tale about a man whose dream comes true. I couldn't help but feel for Lyle's suffering through those long years of imprisonment, years when he almost seems to lose his whole sense of identity, and I rejoiced with him at his sudden release. Wright's plot is captivating and atmospheric as the two dream-lovers get to realize each other in the flesh. Their dialogue is richly cadenced as Anissa shows him her world and brings him to the house that will be theirs. Marigold is most highly recommended.

Read the review text above, them answer the questions!

1. Which of these statements that doesn't show the reviewer attitude toward the book?
a. Marigold is a romantic suspense short story written by A.L. Wright
b. Wright's plot is captivating and atmospheric as the two dream-lovers get to realize each other in the flesh.
c. Marigold is most highly recommended.
d. Their dialogue is richly cadenced as Anissa shows him her world and brings him to the house that will be theirs.

2. When did Annisa and 'Him' meet?
a. Lyle's Marine training
b. His cell
c. Prison
d. Annisa's house

3. Who are Annisa and 'Him' at the first time?
a. Lover
b. Prisoner and Colonel
c. Brother and sister
d. Friend

4. Who is 'him'?
a. Prisoner
b. Yoga participant
c. Participant in Marine Training
d. Patient

5. Which line that is strongly shows the reviewer likes the book.
a. 10-11
b. 20
c. 18-19
d. 6-7

6. Below here are the synonyms of word 'Marvel' except …
a. Cavalcade
b. Ace
c. Prodigy
d. Genius

7. Which of these statements that shows the wrong idea regarding the story
a. The writer, Lyle made a short story about romance with the captivating and interesting story plot.
b. Annisa set he free mentally and physically.
c. He that is described as unknown man in the story fell in love with colonel.
d. He always marveled his thought that someday he will be set free.

8. What is the story is all about?
a. About how to keep our body balance even though we are in the prisoner.
b. About a colonel that saved prisoner's life.
c. About a marine training academy.
d. About a man that wishes have been granted.

9. What does Jack Magnus think about this book?
a. The plot of the story is mind blowing.
b. He feels like captivated in the prison while reading this book.
c. He doesn't like the plot because it's not good enough.
d. He feels he need to recommend it to the students reader to review this book

10. Below here are the synonyms of 'flesh' except…
a. Meat
b. Epithelium
c. Light
d. Epidermis

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Kunci Jawaban PPG Bahasa Inggris Formatif M4 LA3 Profesional - Advertisement

Kunci Jawaban PPG Bahasa Inggris Formatif M4 LA3 Profesional - Advertisement

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Kunci Jawaban PPG Bahasa Inggris Formatif M4 LA3 Profesional - Advertisement


1. Which statement is not TRUE based on the text?
We can get pillows and a bed cover if we buy a Sainsbury queen bed frame.
We can save $169 for buying a supreme single ensemble.
We just pay $769 for a supreme deluxe queen ensemble.
The time is limited to get the product for sale.

2. Which one is not mentioned in the flyer?
Discount rates
The contact phone number
The company's brand name
The website address

3. What additional information is needed to complete the advertisement?
The payment methods
The materials used in the product
The valid period of the promotion
The number of products on sale

4. What is the marketing technique used in the advertisement?
Comparing products
Focusing on lifestyle
Using scientific research
Appeal by a famous person

5. What is the target group of the advertisement?
Middle aged people.
Young people

6. What of the advertisement most probably appeals the target group?:
The model is famous and shows strong, healthy, and shiny hair.
The product is well known.
The advertising slogan is strong and promising.
The product is recommended by hair experts.

7. Why does the writer state 'Clean should be simple'?
Cleaning is an easy thing to do.
People are supposed to have a clean environment.
Cleaning should be a daily routine.
People should not waste their time on cleaning.

8. For what purpose does the advertisement include the rate for the product?
People are supposed to have a clean environment.
To show how famous the product is.
Cleaning should be a daily routine.
People should not waste their time on just cleaning.

9.What technique is used in the advertisement?
Focusing on lifestyle
Using scientific research
Comparing products
Appeal by the product's rating

10.What necessary additional information is needed to complete the advertisement?
The number of products already on sale
The materials used by the product
The payment methods
The stores that sell this product

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Kunci Jawaban PPG Bahasa Inggris Formatif M4 LA2 Profesional - Caption

Kunci Jawaban PPG Bahasa Inggris Formatif M4 LA2 Profesional - Caption

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Kunci Jawaban PPG Bahasa Inggris Formatif M4 LA2 Profesional - Caption

Jawaban Formatif M4 LA2 Profesional - Caption

1.Which one is likely the headline of the caption?
City gives artistic touch to overpass pillars.
Students promote traditional martial art.
Marrying sports, arts, and creativity.
Involving students in city's development.

2. What/who is highlighted in the caption?
The pillars and creativity.
Pencak Silat.
Mural painting on the pillars.
Collaboration between students and the teacher.

3. The caption contextualizes the picture by using the ... of the activity.
initiator, context, persons in charge
object, location, time
cooperation, creativity, beauty
place, time, sponsor

4. The caption seems to suggest that ....
mural painting is expensive but achievable
the local government gets good support from the private sector
Jakarta looks more beautiful with mural paintings
students can be involved by the government for free

5. We know from the caption that mural painting can educate the society about....:
government-private partnership
the local culture
students' involvement
character building

6. The most suitable words to begin the caption is ...
Winning feeling
Soccer perfect
Big celebration

7. The headline of the news is most likely....
Edin Dzeko make a winning score over A.S. Roma
Dzeko strikes to take Roma into Champions League last night
The Roma's fans roar for the long awaited goal last night
The legendary goal raises the Bosnian striker's grade

8. The word 'celebrates' is closely associated with the image of....
hand claps
Edin Dzeko's upclose shot
happy faces
strong players

9. The caption is about ....
UEFA Champions League
Edin Dzeko
A.S. Roma's Bosnian striker
A.S. Roma

10. Which of the following is true according to the caption?
It was the first time for A.S. Roma to win the quarter finals.
Roma has never reached the quarter-finals in Champions League before.
Roma has waited for a long time to win the quarter-finals of the Champions League.
Roma has won the UEFA Champions League after ten year

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Kunci Jawaban PPG Bahasa Inggris Formatif M4 LA1 Profesional - News

Kunci Jawaban PPG Bahasa Inggris Formatif M4 LA1 Profesional - News

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Kunci Jawaban PPG Bahasa Inggris Formatif M4 LA1 Profesional - News

Jawaban Formatif M4 LA1 Profesional - News
Kunci Jawaban PPG Bahasa Inggris Formatif M4 LA1 Profesional - News
Kunci Jawaban PPG Bahasa Inggris Formatif M4 LA1 Profesional - News

1. What does the headline leave out this newsworthy fact about the incident?
The type of the train getting the accident
The cause of the incident
The time of incident
The place of the incident

2. We know from the news report that Joni did not associate train accidents with....
track safety
material loss

3. What is the newspaper's position toward the incident?
It blames the government for the incident.
It praises KAI Daop II for KAI's immediate action to secure the executive cars.
It objectively reports the details of the incident.
It praises KAI Daop II for apologizing to the passangers for the incident.

4. Which of the newsworthy fact in the headline is most elaborated?
The railway tracks
The train
The railway station
The town

5. Despite the incident, no train delays ....
had happened
were observed
were made
were reported

6. Who is most likely the target readers of the news report?
People in general
Medical business people
Health insurance companies
Medical scientists
Pharmaceutical industries

7. What is the writer's attitude towards the issue?
Concerned with the discharge
Angry at the hospital's slow response
Supports the hospital's policy
Disappointed with the discharge

8. Reading the news, we eventually know that ....
Mr. Voelker was afraid of getting contaminated by the disease
the Voelkers could not take care of Mrs Voelker
the Voelkers got angry with the hospital
Mr. Voelker is most concerned with the risk on the daughter's health

9. Which of the following has the least news worthiness?
The risk on the family
The onerous safety precautions to protect the family
The source person
The timing of the discharge

10. Which of the statements is true as far as the news is concerned?
Mrs Voelker shouldn't have been discharged from the hospital after testing positive for Influenza.
Mr. Voulker could be concerned by his mother's discharge from the hospital for testing Influenza.
The hospital wouldn't have discharged Mrs Voelker for tesing positive for influenza.
Canbera hospital would have treated Mrs Voelker for being positive

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