Jumat, 12 Maret 2021

Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Riviu Modul Bahasa Inggris Pembelajaran 4 English For Practical Use Seri Guru Belajar Mandiri Calon Guru ASN PPPK

Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Riviu Modul Bahasa Inggris Pembelajaran 4 English For Practical Use Seri Guru Belajar Mandiri Calon Guru ASN PPPK

Pada Kesempatan kali ini kami ingin berbagi artikel mengenai Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Riviu Modul Bahasa Inggris Pembelajaran 4 English For Practical Use Seri Guru Belajar Mandiri Calon Guru ASN PPPK. Terdapat beberapa kompetensi guru bidang studi yang akan dicapai pada pembelajaran ini  yaitu guru P3K mampu menganalisis struktur dan alur pengetahuan untuk pembelajaran tentang  English For Practical Use.

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Modul Bahasa Inggris Pembelajaran 4 English For Practical Use

Setelah mempelajari materi pokok 4 tentang English For Practical Use, diharapkan Anda mampu: 
  1. Menentukan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari Procedure Text, News Item lisan dan tulisan;
  2. Menganalisis isi Procedure Text (Manual, Recipe, Itinerary), News Item dalam bentuk tulis;
  3. Menyusun Procedure Text (Manual, Recipe, Itinerary), News Item dalam bentuk tulis;
  4. Menganalisis unsur kebahasaan dari Fact and Opinion, Passive Voive, Basic English Sentence.

Materi Pokok Modul Bahasa Inggris Pembelajaran 4 English For Practical Use

Adapun materi pokok yang akan dipelajari di dalam pembelajaran sebagai berikut.
  1. Procedure Text
  2. News Item
  3. Fact and Opinion
  4. Passive Voive,
  5. Basic English Sentence.

Bahan Belajar Modul Bahasa Inggris Pembelajaran 4 English For Practical Use

English For Practical Use merupakan salah satu materi yang harus Anda kuasai sebagai guru bahasa inggris agar mampu memiliki pengetahuan tentang berbagai aspek kebahasaan dalam English for Practical Uses dan Menguasai English for Practical Use lisan dan tulisan, reseptif dan produktif  dalam segala aspek komunikatifnya (linguistik, wacana, sosiolinguistik dan strategis).
Untuk mencapai kompetensi tersebut, Anda akan mempelajari materi 
  • Procedure Text
  • News Item
  •  Fact and Opinion
  • Passive Voive,
  • Basic English Sentence.
Dari bahan belajar mandiri yang telah disediakan, dan dapat Anda akses baik secara online maupun offline.  Selain itu, bahan paparan atau media lain disertakan untuk membantu Anda dalam mempelajari materi. Pada akhir sesi pembelajaran, Anda diminta untuk menjawab beberapa pertanyaan yang disajikan sebagai reviu pembelajaran yang sudah Anda lakukan.

Baca Juga Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Modul Pedagogik Seri Guru Belajar Mandiri Calon Guru ASN PPPK

Pembelajaran 1: Teori Belajar

Pembelajaran 2: Karakter Peserta Didik

Pembelajaran 3: Keterampilan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi

Pembelajaran 4: Desain Pembelajaran

Pembelajaran 5: Dasar Komunikasi

Pembelajaran 6: Konsep Penilaian

Pembelajaran 7: Pengembangan Potensi Peserta Didik

Materi Belajar Modul Bahasa Inggris Pembelajaran 4 English For Practical Use

English For Practical Use
This section presented an overview of English for Practical Use that was presented by Procedure Text, News Item, Fact and Opinion, Passive Voice, and Basic English Sentence Types. The main points of this section follow:
● Procedure text is a piece of written or spoken text which has the social function to inform the readers or the listeners how to make or to do something. It can be in the form of a set of instructions, directions or a manual.
● News Item is a text which informs readers about events of the day. The events are considered newsworthy or important.
● Fact and opinion are shown by asking and giving opinions.
● Passive Voice is used when the person or thing that is receiving the action is more important that the person or thing that is performing the action.

Basic English Sentence Types are shown by four types sentence in English in the form of simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex.

Untuk lebih memahami materi mengenai English For Practical Use, Anda dapat membaca materi pembelajaran dengan mengklik tautan yang telah disediakan. Anda dapat membaca materi secara online atau mengunduhnya untuk dipelajari secara offline.
UNDUH Modul Pembelajaran 4 : English For Practical Use

Bahan Paparan Modul Bahasa Inggris Pembelajaran 4 English For Practical Use

Silakan Anda pelajari bahan paparan di bawah ini! Bahan paparan tersebut memuat poin-poin penting terkait materi yang sedang Anda pelajari.

UNDUH Bahan Paparan Modul Pembelajaran 4 : English For Practical Use

Uji Pemahaman Bahan Belajar Modul Bahasa Inggris Pembelajaran 4 English For Practical Use

Seberapa pahamkah Anda? Sekarang adalah waktunya Anda mengukur pencapaian belajar. 

Soal 1

In your opinion, what is the best title for manual above?

  • By using explanation
  • By using explanation
  • By using the steps naming
  • By using numbering
  • By using adverb of sequence (first, second, etc) X
Soal 2

How to Loose Weight with Healthy Eating Habit
Tired of carrying around those extra pounds? The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to create a low-calorie eating plan that you can stick to for a long time. Additionally, exercise every day to burn extra calories and keep your heart healthy. If you just want to drop a few pounds fast, there are plenty of techniques and tips you can adopt to help you reach your short-term goals, too. Here they are:
# Calculate how many calories you can eat while still losing weight. Start by finding your basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is how many calories you need to stay alive.
# Eat smaller portions to help you cut back on calories. To make it easier to track portions, prepare your snacks ahead of time. For instance, you might weigh out 1 serving of almonds, then put it in a baggie or container for later. 
# Select smart substitutes for your favorite high calorie foods. Consider eating vegetarian a few days each week. By replacing meat with nutritious foods like beans, tofu, or lentils, you can cut significant amounts of your daily calorie intake while adding many nutrients to your diet.
# Avoid going down grocery aisles that tempt you with high calorie foods. It’s best to stay along the perimeter of the grocery store, which is where the fresh foods are typically located.
# Eat more of foods that fill you up. Some foods help you feel full faster and may help you stay fuller longer. Many of these foods contain protein, fat, or fiber.
According to the text, what is the best way to loose weight?
  • by eating more low – calorie food
  • by creating a low – calorie food plan
  • by cooking a low - calorie food
  • by stop eating low – calorie food
  • by eating more low – calorie food
sangkolan.com - Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Riviu Modul Bahasa Inggris Pembelajaran 4 English For Practical Use
sangkolan.com - Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Riviu Modul Bahasa Inggris Pembelajaran 4 English For Practical Use

Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Riviu Modul Bahasa Inggris Pembelajaran 4 English For Practical Use

diclaimer : kunci jawaban beberapa ada yang tidak sesuai namun di sistem terbaca benar (dilema bagi kita guru bahasa inggris karena text dan jawaban tidak sesuai, tapi mau bagaimana lagi ?)

Soal 1

Select one:
a. to make a spontaneous travel
b. to know the tourist interest
c. to provide a guideline during travelling
d. to have a long journey
The correct answer is: to provide a guideline during travelling

Soal 2

Source: http://www.bestricecookerreviews.org/how-to-use-a-ricecooker-step-by-step-instructions.html
What is the purpose of the text?
Select one:
a. The rice cooker will auomatically turn off
b. The rice cooker will automatically turn into warm mode
c. The rice cooker will give light signal
d. The rice cooker will make a sound
The correct answer is: The rice cooker will make a sound

Soal 3
No signs of drugs in driver who crashed into South Jakarta pharmacy: Police
News Desk
The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Mon, October 28, 2019 / 06:34 pm A urine test on a university student accused of a deadly car crash at the Senopati Pharmacy in South Jakarta in the early hours of Sunday revealed no traces of drugs or alcohol, police have said. Authorities have named Putri Kalingga Hermawan, 21, a suspect of reckless driving following questioning after the accident, which killed the drugstore’s security guard.
“The […] urine test found no signs of alcohol or drugs in her body,” Comr. Fahri Siregar from the Jakarta Traffic Police said as quoted by kompas.com. "The Police have named the driver as the suspect in the case and charged [her] with reckless driving and causing the death of a victim," he went on.
Before the accident, Fahri said, Putri and two of her friends had been on the way home at around 3:30 a.m. on Sunday after visiting a bar on Jl. Gunawarman, South Jakarta. On the road, Putri reportedly lost her concentration at the T-junction in front of the pharmacy. As a result, she went straight on when she should have turned right, Fahri said.
The car went across the sidewalk and straight into the drugstore. In the process, it ran over Asep, a 50-year-old security guard, who was sleeping in front of the facility. Asep sustained serious abdominal injuries and died on the spot, while another security guard, named Agus, suffered injuries to his head after getting hit by broken glass, Fahri said. The victim’s body was taken to the nearby Fatmawati Hospital for an autopsy. (nal)
Source: https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2019/10/28/no-signs-ofdrugs-in-driver-who-crashed-into-south-jakarta-pharmacy-police.html
What is the main event of the text above?
Select one:
a. Reckless driving and causing accident
b. Reckless driving and premeditated murder
c. Reckless driving and causing death
d. Reckless driving and drugs abuse
The correct answer is: Reckless driving and causing death

Soal 4

Source: http://www.bestricecookerreviews.org/how-to-use-a-ricecooker-step-by-step-instructions.html
What is the purpose of the text?
Select one:
a. Keep checking the rice
b. Avoid opening the lid
c. Set the timer if there’s any
d. Plug in the rice cooker
The correct answer is: Keep checking the rice

Soal 5
Select one:
a. The venue
b. The destination
c. The program
d. The timetable
The correct answer is: The timetable

Soal 6

Source: http://www.bestricecookerreviews.org/how-to-use-a-ricecooker-step-by-step-instructions.html
What is the purpose of the text?
Select one:
a. Because some of rice cookers don’t provide standard cup
b. Because the rice won’t be cooked without standard cup
c. Because it is written in the instruction
d. Because it is important to measure the water
The correct answer is: Because some of rice cookers don’t provide standard cup

Soal 7
Janet DeNeefe's plecing kangkung spinach salad

When should we take the spinach out from the saucepan?
Select one:
a. Steps, ingredients, aim
b. Aim, steps, ingredients
c. Ingredients, steps, aim
d. Aim, ingredients, steps
The correct answer is: Aim, ingredients, step

Baca Juga :

Demikian artikel sangkolan kali ini mengenai Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Riviu Modul Bahasa Inggris Pembelajaran 5 English For Academic Context. Semoga informasi tersebut bisa bermanfaat bagi kita semua.

Silahkan tinggalkan komentar apabila ada pertanyaan yang ingin diajukan. 

Baca Juga : 
Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Modul 1 Konsep Dasar Ilmu Pendidik :

Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Modul 2 Peran Guru dalam Pembelajaran Abad 21 :

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